EveNt Volunteer

We simply couldn't accomplish our mission effectively without our team of dedicated volunteers. Our event volunteer needs for the JBF Winter Classic are vast and varied...if you have an interest in serving, we have a place for you on our team! We've separated the tournament into a few different shifts, but please note that we'll continue to refine the exact times when the brackets are finalized on Wednesday. Right now some of our biggest volunteer needs include...
Silent Auction
Answer questions, help facilitate​
Score Report Table
Help pass out game sheets, record, assist with bracket posting on the wall​
​ If you'd like more information about volunteering, contact our Program Support coordinator, Marla Cochran at mcochran@tjbf.org.
Partner with us
By Check
Donating by check? Send checks payable to:
The Joe Beretta Foundation
P.O. Box 777
Mount Juliet, TN 37121
Over the Phone
Have questions about donating? Give us a call!