Thank you for taking the time to learn about the steps we're taking to make this year's Dinner in the Vines memorable and safe. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Executive Director, Davey Shepherd, at 615-852-7804.
Q: If the event is cancelled because of COVID-19,
will I receive a refund?
A: Absolutely.
Q: How are you facilitating social distancing
during the event?
A: We're changing up our usual layout of long tables and instead seating guests with their party. We're also making a number of changes to the silent auction setup.
Q: What other precautionary steps are you taking?
A: We'll be checking all guests temperatures with a touchless thermometer at check-in. Guests who arrive with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be permitted to enter and their tickets will be refunded. An abundance of hand sanitizer will be available and guests will be encouraged to use it often. Any shared surfaces, including the bar, will be thoroughly wiped down and sanitized frequently throughout the event. While the event has been larger in the past, we're limiting ticket sales this year to ensure there are less than 100 people present including staff and volunteers.
Q: Will I have to wear a mask?
A: While our waitstaff and volunteers will wear masks, we're not asking our guests to wear one as the event is taking place outside. Guests who prefer to wear a mask are, of course, permitted to do so.
Q: How will you determine whether or not the event needs to be cancelled?
A: We're keeping a close eye on state and local guidelines for gatherings and are committed to following them appropriately.
Join us in Nashville, tn
for Dinner in the vines
Saturday, August 29, 6:00pm